Cyanide & Happiness - Freakpocalypse

Cyanide & Happiness: Freakpocalypse launches today on Nintendo Switch!

We’re happy to have had the opportunity to work once-again with our friends at Serenity Forge, handling the console porting work for this hilarious new point-and-click adventure game!

From the famous creators of Cyanide & Happiness, Explosm, comes an all new point-and-click adventure game filled with dark humor, drama, and all the weirdness you've grown to love and/or dread over the years!

As long time fans of the Explosm shorts it’s been exciting to work with them and the team at Skeleton Crew studios implementing the game. There have certainly been a lot of laughs!

A point-and-click adventure game like no other! With some great references and loads of laughs. I can’t wait to play it through and it’s been a lot of fun working with the whole team to help bring Freakpocalypse to console.
— Matthew Tighe, DO games CEO

Check out the trailer below and if you fancy saving the world from certain disaster… go get it!


art of rally announcement


2020 and Beyond